Sticks and Stones


I have a 12 year old boy in 7th grade. He started a new private school this year. He used to go to a Christian private school. When kids argued and treated each other badly at the other school I always went to the school and fixed the problem. My husband says I should have never done that because now he can’t survive without intervention. Now at the new school he is playing football for the first time. There is one boy who is constantly putting him down during PE and football and during class. That boy also gets two other boys to join in. My son is struggling because he doesn’t know what to do. He is afraid if he tells the principal then the boys will come after him harder and be meaner for being a tattletale. He is also afraid if I go to the school and complain they will know he tattled. I don’t want him to get his spirit broken. One boys parents are going through a divorce, the other is being raised by a nanny bc his parents work a lot. There are only 22 people in his grade. It’s a very small school. The parents are very wealthy and do not raise them with Christian values. Our son loves the Lord and talks about his Christianity at school. They make fun of him. We have been praying with him and trying to teach him to ignore them and know that he has God on his side and that middle school and being a new student is hard. We do not know what to do. The really mean boy got in school suspension and was only nice for the day after. Now he is back to being mean again. Please help.

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