Picking up on Bad Behavior


My son, age 4, is very impressionable and quickly picks up and mimics bad behaviors he sees from other kids. Many kids in our church nursery are badly behaved at this age group and, one in particular throws toys, yells and talks back at the teacher and is generally disrespectful. He's constantly causing trouble and the teacher gets focused on him.

I'm a little torn about how to deal with this and, in a sense, shield my boys from it (especially the impressionable one). Keeping him home has crossed my mind but going to church is important to my husband and I. While my son doesn't act out while he is there he watches it closely and then mimics it at home throughout the week.

We've had him sit in the main service with us but that is an ongoing process as he isn't ready for sitting still through a whole church service and then ends up leaving to go back to the preschool nursery. My other son is in the same nursery but he is not as impressionable and it is also generally easier to break him of his bad behaviors when they start. Suggestions?

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