Identifying the real problem.


I have a 15 year old son who makes really good grades in school. But he also is getting in trouble at school for various things with his "friends", one of which I do not like. My son has been caught trying to buy Adderall, drinking, etc. He is bound and determined to "spend the night" with his friends and I have said no to this stating that this is a new year and new rules. I have previously allowed him to spend the night with his friends but I do not want him to anymore. Not only because of the drugs etc. but because I feel he is too old. Anyway...I am getting such an argument from him about this and he says he should be able to spend the night on weekends because he makes good grades! He said I could drug test him too, but I just do not want him to spend the night with these kids. He is TOO OLD! Any IDEAS? AM I WRONG?

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