17 month old Picky Eater


I have a 17month old son who is very uninterested in eating most of the time. I am still nursing but I would like to start weening in the next month but I’m concerned because he doesn’t seem to be eating much. He will eat a certain type of chicken nuggets, boiled eggs, cheese, most fruits and snacks that I try to avoid as much as possible. Sometimes he will eat pizza. I can’t tell if he chooses what to eat by the way it looks or if it’s because he wants to be able to pick it up himself or if its based on familiarity. I tried to give him a different type of chicken the other day and he would have none of it. I resorted back to his normal chicken and he ate it all. Dinner typically ends up all over the floor with virtually nothing in his mouth. When he was younger we had a weight gaining issue so I’m super aware of his eating habits. He does not seem to have a weight gaining issue at the moment. Thank you for your advice.

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