Time Out With Tickets?


We just started the ticket system with our three-year-old and five-year-old. We have done this with our five-year-old in the past and we appreciate how it works and how effective it can be.

With are three-year-old we are targeting his physical aggressiveness. With our five-year-old, talking back and ignoring us as well as teasing his brother. It has gone well. It works really well with our five-year-old. Our three-year-old is a bit slower to understand the whole process and has gone a few days of losing all of his tickets.

But perhaps the most difficult part is the time-out after they lose each ticket. I have never been a fan of time-out. Frankly, it has never worked. It takes more energy to get them to stay seated than to just send them to their room altogether. Could the ticket system work without time-outs? Or is there an alternative?
Thank you for your help.
Michigan Mom

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