Off to a rocky start at Kindergarten!


For the 3rd time in 8 days my 5 year old has come home from Kindergarten with a bad report from the teacher. She's at a Catholic school, which we are very happy with, but she just can't seem to remember how to behave when i'm not standing over her (perhaps I've been a micromanager). Three of the 4 notes/drawings sent home indicate she isn't listening/staying seated during literacy. A 4th note today explained that she'd been called down 4 times in the hallway before finally responding with a, "what?" to her teacher's assistant. So now we've got disrespectful and disobedient on our hands. I'm baffled. My parent's used John's methods when I was growing up, so I thought I'd just naturally do the right thing in parenthood, but clearly I'm off track somewhere. I plan on meeting with her teacher Tuesday to find out if these notes are her first recourse or if she's giving my daughter multiple warnings/tries. I think that will help guide my response. In the meantime though, she spent an entire afternoon/evening in her room yesterday, was motivated and determined to behave today, then came home again with a bad report. Today though, she claimed it went well and that she didn't get in trouble, then I found the note at dinner time. She seemed genuinely surprised when I questioned her, almost like there's a disconnect somewhere.
I'll also mention that her teacher is a veteran with a stellar reputation. She seems to be no nonsense, which I like.
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