Terrible Transition to Three


My 3 year old is a bully. She is starting 1st pre-school soon,
Picks on 2 year old sister (sleep in same room, in cribs but climbs out) uncontrollable screaming when not going her way, snatches passy from sister & 3 month old brother, even if sleeping, insists on diapers, screams & throws herself or whatever she screamed for (snack maybe) on ground, be it grocery store, birthday party, at home. Time out is a joke. Only responds to "calm " when she's out of control, but by then I struggle with being calm, I just want her to hush & behave. As you can tell, I'm overwhelmed & with 3 on top of each other I don't want the 2 yr old to think it's ok to be terrible & the baby's just hanging in there for the next meal.
Help please......

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