Losing Grandpa


It is difficult to type this but I find myself in a situation I have never had to face. My husband and I have been parents to out Grandchild since his mom left about 20 months ago. During her absence, my husband was diagnosed with AML which is a very aggressive leukemia. He has had chemo, underwent a bone marrow transplant and yesterday we learned that he is no longer in remission and prognosis isn't very good. He is 46. Our Grandchild turned 3 in April.

The next few months are really going to be difficult. It has been a difficult juggling all this, but we have held tight as a "family" unit. He adapted well to most all situations, had a little anxiety about "losing" me if he woke from a nap with family caregivers in our home while I had to take my husband to procedures.

Is there any better way to prepare a child this young to "lose" his Papaw? Are there any good books that I could read to help me help him work thru this....or am I over thinking the impact this will have on him?

Help and thank you.

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