Get Rid of All the Psychiatrists?


I listen to your radio shows and believe every word you speak. Is there a possibly your show can include actions we citizens can take to eradicate psychiatry and psychology from American society? Parents can't "stay away" from psychologists. Psychs are in our public education system, our judicial system, our correctional system, our health insurance system, our military and on and on. Parents are court ordered, or school system coerced to take their children to psychs, and ordered to drug their kids with psychotropic drugs. Children, parents, seniors, veterans and wow our criminal offender populations are all coerced into psychology. My prayer is that either by an act of congress or executive order, that psychotropic drugs be banned, psychologists no longer be licensed by the state, psychiatrists no longer be issued medical license, health insurance no longer pay psychs, ALL psychology positions be eliminated from government employment (no tax payer funds paid to psychologists). My prayer requires a movement I believe your ministry can bring.

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