Sibling screaming!


4 year old daughter who can be very controlling and possessive and a just turned 2 year old son who screams now every time his sister approaches him. They are attached at the hip and look for each other constantly but then ....the tug o war, screaming, etc ... ALL DAY LONG

Help!!! I'm so frustrated. Currently using tickets with 4 year old for mean/unkind words or actions ... working pretty well.

I have attempted to just ignore the fighting/screaming and act like I do not see it or hear it… Neither one of them back down! When I attempt to discipline the 2year old, I first have to physically remove the 4 year old who is trying to control the brother and thus causing additional screaming. I don't know who to discipline or how to discipline. Often fighting over toys but has evolved into brother screaming anytime he doesn't like what she is doing or saying.

Need solution quick .... oh and baby #3 is due in 2 weeks. Yes, I'm panicked!

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