16 year old Bad Time Manager


I need help regarding the evening routine for my 16 year old daughter, after getting home from her sport, which is usually 5 pm, during the week. She has ADHD and says she needs to decompress when she gets home, before launching into chores/homework. Which means procrastination, on phone/computer, getting homework done too late, or maybe not completed and getting to bed too late. She doesn't have a "bedtime", as she says, "Mom, don't you think I want to go to sleep? I will go to bed, when all my work is done".
I want to take electronics away for a certain amount of time at night. But then she says she needs her devices to do homework. Can I make her go to bed at a particular time? She takes rigorous courses and does have a lot of work, she just doesn't manage her time well.

Thank you

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