16 year old Always Gets Her Way


How do I respond to my strong willed 16 yo dtr, who won't take no for an answer. Just today, I told her she could go to a friends for dinner after her drivers ed class today. But it is snowing like crazy, so I told her because of the snow, I would be picking her up after drivers ed. Then the relentless text start coming in.... Then she says she will find a ride home. I told her to stop and accept my answer and if she didn't, she could stay home all weekend. That seemed to work. But generally doesn't work and I give in because I'm so frustrated by her and she won't stop until she gets her way. This is just one example. I know I have created a monster, as she is used to getting her way. How do I say no, and mean it when she wears me down to say yes?
Thank you

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