Appreciative Father


Thank you Sarah for taking a few minutes to answer my question. You asked what riles me up about her texting and am I trying to curtail her interaction with boys or texting. The short answer is not really. I want her to have healthy interactions with boys and I know texting is how teenagers communicate. The bigger issue is her life falls apart when she is hooked on these guys. Grades are not important, she acts like a slug around the house, becomes non-communicative, argumentative, and defensive. I could go on. She has always been an excellent athlete and good student and has the potential to get a college athletic scholarship in basketball but she's throwing it all away.

To your point Sarah, I have been micromanaging and we're making changes as we speak based on Teenproofing principles. I understand the wisdom in becoming a mentor.

Also, I do believe I need to understand why she is attaching to guys. That IS the problem and serial texting is symptomatic. She and I have always been close until this last year.

On another note, before asking my 1st question I did not know what John's philosophy was on smart phones. Teenproofing needs an addendum on electronic devices. After subscribing to Parent Guru and reading alot of Q&A's I now get it. Thank you again Sarah for taking time to answer my questions.

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