Not Sleeping...


What is your opinion of "Ferberizing"? I have 4 month old (born at 36weeks) who at 3 months old slept 6-8hours at a stretch each night for a week but now back to waking every 3 hours currently. We have a consistent 7:30 bedtime routine but she won't go to sleep unless held upright and walked. She cries hysterically when we try to lay her in her crib which she has slept in every night since we brought her home. We have to hold her upright until she is asleep and then slowly ease her down onto the mattress. We feed her when she wakes at these three hour intervals at night but she usually cannot put herself back to sleep unless held upright and walked around. Given her adjusted age is baby old enough to be Ferberized? Is this a viable option? Are there any other sleep training options that don't involve her crying excessively? How long should we let her cry given her adjusted age?

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