4 yo More Ticket Clarification


Naughty 4 yo part 3

Hi there, I've done your suggestions slightly modified with 3 target behaviours. Whining, refusal to listen, tantrums. With tantrums, she loses all 5 tickets n spends the rest of the day in her room. I find she can't even go two days without an outburst, which tells me she's out of control with it. Most days, she loses it by naptime. Today she's tired, she lost all tickets by 11am. Today was tough, she's argumentative, rude, defiant with me. I ignored lots of her bad behaviour today and only focused on the target behaviours. I'm complete baffled, She can be a totally sweet angelic child too, especially with other ppl in church, her daddy and grandfather who are soft on her..they don't believe me when I say she behaves terribly with me. She cycles between weeks of wonderful behaviour, and weeks of downright terrible behaviour. am I doing something wrong?? I feel we are getting nowhere with her. Yes you are right, scoldings and spanking do nothing for this child.

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