4 Year Old Bedwetting Trials


Our 4.5 year old son has been day time potty trained since 22 months but has NEVER been night time dry. He had his tonsils and adenoids out a few months ago and our pediatrician said that may help with his deep sleep/bedwetting and waking up since he had snoring and sleep apnea. He recovered very well and has stopped snoring. We put him in undies at night over a month ago, and he didn't even wake up when he was wet until it got cold. We got a bed alarm almost 3 weeks ago and have used it nightly since but we seem to be going backwards with it. It is the kind that clips to his undies. He was waking up a little with the alarm at first (at least sitting up in bed, but not really awake) and we would go in a help him wake up, then walk himself to the bathroom, change his own clothes, cover the wet spot if there was one, and we help get the clip back his undies in the right spot. The past week, he is completely sleeping through the alarm. we try to nicely but firmly wake him up, turn the lights on, and get him to the bathroom, but he is often so disoriented he just starts crying-sometimes turning into screaming. He is now only wetting about once a night (an improvement from 3-4 times!) but I am not sure if there is anything else we can do? The screaming and crying is the part I am really struggling with-hard to keep calm in the middle of the night when he won't get up! Do we just keep going helping him wake up, sometimes having to drag him out of the bed? Wanted to start potty training my 19 month old in about a month, but don't know if I can handle both!!!

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