Authority Issues with a 12 year old


My 12 year old girl has a real issue with her authority, she talks back when asked to do anything that she does not want to do. My mother-in-law, My husband and I are continually having to talk to her about this. She will dance what is asked of her if something is in it for her.

We are trying any things my and everything we can to get the point across to her that we mean business.

I started last week letting both of my kinds know what is expected of them as well as putting it in writing. Letting them know the things nlyway to get electronics back is to follow these direction for a full week(7days). Each day it is not followed they will start over again until a full week is reached.

I watch d you r episodes onPure Flix and have b en reading every thing I can o all of you said sights.

Can you help?

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