6 year old constantly forgets to do routine responsibilities


HI there,

I need advice regarding my almost 6 year old. I am having issues with not doing the everything little things that she already knows to do i.e. please take your clothes out of the bathroom, or please put the dirty clothes in the hamper after you are dressed, or please throw away the rubbish after unwrapping the new present. And I often come back and check, and find its often not done. The excuse is forgetting, which is probably legitimate for a child this age? I mean we adults can forget too..but it's happening too frequently, especially when I give 2-step instructions. It's driving me crazy because I have to constantly go back and check, and remind for everything. This isn't defiance per say, but more she doesn't pay attention when I tell her to do something. Or doesn't take me seriously. Or forgets, whatever it is, It's driving me nuts having to keep on top of what I tell her to do, and remind.

These are simple everyday rules like, throw away the rubbish on the floor, put dirty laundry in the hamper, and tidy up the craft after you are done, wash your hands before and after meals...but she still needs to be told to do it at this age. Every single thing, every single time. Have you any strategies to streamline these things so she's a bit more proactive? I hate standing around like a drill sergeant, reminding her of the things she already knows she has to do, but forgets. In addition, she gets irritated that I remind but she forgets to do them! There are so many little things here and there!

Any strategies to change this? I mean, a 2 year old needs to be told for each and every thing but not an almost 6 year old? I'm not sure here of the appropriate expectation for a child her age.

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