15 Year Old Grades Slipping


Dear Parenting Guru,

I have a soon to be 15 year old son, a ninth grader. He is in a scholar program at a private school, and he has earned a partial scholarship based on his academic abilities. He also is in his third year of a gifted math program at a local college. His grades have begun to fluctuate. He is not earning good scores in the math program. He seems to only care about playing his computer, the shooting games popular with his age group. He has only been allowed to play on weekends if his grades are up to par (above a 90%).
He is capable of these grades. So, now I have taken all technology away for this upcoming quarter. He says that he doesn't care anymore if he loses everything. He is not going to improve his grades. I am worried that I am being too excessive. Is the consequence appropriate?

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