Eye Lash pulling in 6 year old


Thanks for your assistance with a concern. My daughter who is now six and a half has has just recently started pulling out her eyelashes. Initially, she got a couple eyelashes in her eyes and my husband helped to get them out but now she is started to pull at them more frequently.

She has had some increased anxiety this year related to a car wreck we were in in January. We took a pretty good jolt but we are ok. Thank God. I don't know if this could be related to it at all. In March following the wreck, she had some anxiety concerning her feeling like she had to go to the bathroom all the time. Several months later, this finally resolved but occasionally returns. At that time she was seen by a physician and he felt it would resolve in a few months and that a urologist could not really help. He gave me an article that stated that it is possible that her fear or trauma may be contributing to her bladder problem. I have definitely seen more anxiety this year. I would appreciate your help much as your input has always been beneficial in the past!


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