3 yo girl wears same shirt every day


My daughter is three and likes to wear this cute lil fox shirt. She has two of them and wears them everyday almost. She is also in preschool. The shirts are always clean when she wears them. In the morning she picks out her own clothes, dresses herself, eats breakfast, and brushes her teeth. Very independent and a good lil girl. Her teacher at school said she shouldn't be wearing that's everyday and telling me "you are going to create a monster if you let her wear that everyday" "you need to not give her a choice but pick out her clothes everyday." "If you are allowing her to do this now imagine what she'll do when she's thirteen." I replied "she gets dressed by herself and I think it's good that she has a choice in certain things, being well mannered and treating others is what we focus on, what she wears is inconsequential." What are your thoughts? I don't know where to go from her as I never saw it as an issue.

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