7 yr. old reverting to babyish behavior


My 7 year old daughter is often described as "sweet" "bright" "big-hearted" and "empathetic." I agree that she can be all of those things. However, she is also whiny, rude, and demanding. She has started to act babyish again: speaking in baby talk, clinging to and even climbing me. She wants to be the center of attention but only on her terms (i.e.: if she is dong something fun she is fine, but if she's bored...) Well meaning family members have suggested that it it simply her age, but I feel like this has become an excuse for behavior that has been a long time in the making. She does have two younger sisters aged 3 and 2, but I try to make one on one time with her when possible. Is it her age or is this a behavior issue?

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