23 mo day 2 potty training


I'm on day 2 of your method with my 23 month old son. He is my second child and we successfully potty trained my older son at this age, also using your method. My son seemed to be catching on quickly yesterday, he had one pee pee accident, we hurried to the potty and talked about how we need to pull down our pants and put all the pee pee in the potty. The next time I noticed he started pulling down his pants while he was playing, so I hurried him to the potty and he pee peed in the potty and kept his pants dry. However, he hasn't gone in the potty again since then. He starts to pee and either I notice or he gets my attention, we hurry to the potty but he won't go more. Several times he has stood up and pee'd or pooped on the floor next to the potty. I usually put him on a little potty, but I've also tried the toilet with a seat to see if that's the problem. It doesn't help. Can you offer suggestions for what I might be doing wrong or other things to try?

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